About the Project

Argyll and Bute Council has commissioned a specialist design team to prepare proposals for safer walking, cycling and wheeling between the Joint Campus, the town centre and Bishopton Road.

In the first stage of consultation in May 2021, we shared route options for comment and received over 100 responses which has led us to the current proposed route.

In the first phase of consultation in May 2021, we shared three route options for comment. Over 100 people commented ( click here for a summary).

After proposing the details of this route to the public during the second stage of consultation in June-July 2021, we have been left with a final proposed route design leading us to this next stage of consultation.

Explore the Proposal Route

We are now in the third phase of this project and are interested in restarting the momentum and making sure that community engagement and decision making is prioritised in the remaining phases of this project.

Check out the current designs and leave your feedback on the Proposed Route page before the consultation closes on 20th of November 2023.

Please keep an eye on the Updates page for news of progress.


If you haven’t already, please take 2 minutes to fill in the short Travel Survey to tell us how you move around town at the moment. This will help the design team.

Take the Survey